
This page is an elaboration of the learning outcome of course plan

Specifically we will cover the following topics and sections of the book (for a CLRS4 reading guide see the individual lecture pages):

TopicCLRS3 Textbook
Reminder, growth of functions, big-Oh notation, recurrences and divide and conquer.Chapters 1-4, except Section *4.6
Dynamic ProgrammingChapter 15
Reminder Elementary Graph AlgorithmsChapter 22 Except 22.4
Greedy AlgorithmsChapter 16, except Sections *16.4 and *16.5
Minimum Spanning Trees (MST)Chapter 23 (we only study Prim’s algorithm)
Single-Source Shortest PathsChapter 24: pages 643-650 and Section 24.3
(we only study Dijkstra’s algorithm)
Maximum FlowChapter 26, except Sections *26.4 and *26.5
Disjoint Sets/Union FindThese notes or Chapter 21
Strings MatchingChapter 32, except Sections 32.3 and *32.4
P versus NPChapter 34

In Lectures you can find a more detailed lecture plan with links to additional resources. The timing of the assignments has been done quite carefully. By the time you are to start the each assignment we should have covered the material in the assignments.