
Lecture, help sessions and grading sessions information.

There is a menu item for each lecture where you can find a reading guide for the textbook, and links to additional material.

For the lecture locations please look at timeedit. The timeedit schedule is always correct. If there are any discrepancies between this page and timeedit, then please inform me.

12024-11-04 15:15-17:00Introduction to the course and revision of Algorithm analysis
22023-11-05 13:15-15:00Divide and Conquer and Algorithm analysis
32024-11-06 10:15-12:00Revision of Graphs, and the Python API for the assignments (Frej Knutar Lewander)
42024-11-12 13:15-15:00Dynamic Programming - Introduction
Help 1a2024-11-13 15:15-17:00
52024-11-15 10:15-12:00Dynamic Programming - Knapsack
Help 1b2024-11-19 08:15-10:00
Help 1c2024-11-21 10:15-12:00
62024-11-22 10:15-12:00Greedy Algorithms
Deadline Assignment 12024-11-22 13:00
72024-11-26 13:15-15:00Minimal Spanning Trees
Help 2a2024-11-29 08:15-10:00
Grading session Assignment 12024-11-29 15:15-17:00By invitation only
82024-12-02 10:15-12:00Network flows
Help 2b2024-12-02 15:15-17:00
Solution Session Assignment 12024-12-03 13:15-14:00Obs only 45 mins
92024-12-04 10:15-12:00Networks flows, Bipartite matching
Help 2c2024-12-06 08:15-10:00
Deadline Assignment 22024-12-06 13:00
102024-12-09 13:15-15:00P vs NP (Pierre Flener)
Help 3a2024-12-10 10:15-12:00
112024-12-11 13:15-15:00P vs NP (Pierre Flener)
Help 3b2024-12-12 10:15-12:00
Solution Session Assignment 22024-12-16 11:15-12:00Obs only 45 mins Moved in 2025. TBA
122024-12-16 13:15-15:00Union Find
Help 3c2024-12-18 10:15-12:00
132024-12-19 10:15-12:00String Matching Not examined in 2024.
Solution Session Assignment 2 (2024 only)2024-12-19 10:15-11:00
Deadline Assignment 32025-01-02 13:00

Subsections of Lectures

Lecture 1

Today’s Topics: Introduction and asymptotic analysis

  • Introduction/revision on algorithm analysis
  • Worst case running time.
  • Introduction to asymptotic analysis $O$,$\Theta$ and $\Omega$.
  • Slides on introduction and logistics.
  • Slides on an asymptotic analysis.

Reading Guide

What should I know by the end of this lecture?

  • How is the course structured? How do the assignments, help sessions and labs work?
  • What does it mean to analyse an algorithm?
  • What is worst case performance?
  • What is the definition of $O(f(n))$, $\theta(f(n)$, and $\Omega(f(n))$?
  • What are some of the basic properties of $O()$,$\theta()$, and $\Omega()$.

Lecture 2

Today’s topics: Divide and Conquer and Algorithm Analysis

  • Divide and Conquer, in particular how to derive a recurrence relation for the running time.
  • More on $O$,$\Theta$, and $\Omega$
  • The Master theorem and how to apply it.

Slides used

Reading Guide

  • Chapter 3 and 4 (except 4.6) of CLRS3 or Chapter 3 and 4 (except 4.6 and 4.7) of CLRS4.

  • You might find the following slides useful: Divide and Conquer I which has some more examples on algorithm analysis, and Divide and Conquer II that has information on the master theorem.

What should I know by the end of this lecture?

You should know much more about the Big O notation. In particular

  1. General algebra with $O$, $\theta$ and $\Omega$. For example when is $O(f(n)) \leq O(g(n))$?
  2. Constant time $O(1)$.
  3. Linear time $O(n)$, polynomial time, exponential time
  4. The rate of different asymptotic growths.

Further you should know about divide and conquer an algorithm design technique and the Analysis of Divide and Conquer using recurrence relations. You should understand and be able to reproduce a simple divide and conquer analysis of an algorithm such as binary search or merge sort. You should understand how to go from recurrence relations such as $$ T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n) $$ to asymptotic analysis of the function $T(n)$. For which functions $g$ is the following statement true: $$ T(n) \in O(g(n)) $$

Although I do not expect expect you understand the proof, you should try to get an intuition of the different cases of the master theorem.

Lecture 3

Guest Lecture by Frej Knutar Lewander

Today’s topic: Graphs revision


Reading Guide

  • Chapter 22, except 22.4 of CLRS3 or Chapter 20, 20.1-20.3 of CLRS4.
  • Chapter 24 Pages 643-650 and Section 24.3 of CLRS3 or chapter 22 (22.1, 22.2 22.3) of CLRS4.

What should I know by the end of this lecture?

  • What did I forget from my previous courses?
    • What is a graph? What is a digraph?
    • What is a good API for graphs?
    • How can they be represented?
    • Depth-first and breadth-first search.

Lecture 4

Today’s topic: Dynamic Programming

  • Dynamic programming. Introduction.


  • The slides can be found here

Reading Guide

  • Chapter 15, 15.1, 15.2 ,15.3, 15.4 of CLRS3 or Chapter 14, 14.1 , 14.2, 14.3 and 14.4 of CLRS4.

What should I know by the end of this lecture?

  • What is dynamic programming? Simple example dynamic programming as Memorisation.
  • Some example dynamic programs.

Lecture 5

Today’s topic: Dynamic Programming

  • More on Dynamic Programming, Knapsack and an example.
  • Pseudo Polynomial vs. Polynomial.
  • The slides can be found here

Reading Guide

  • All of Chapter 15 of CLRS3 or all of Chapter 14 of CLRS4.

  • The textbook does not say that much about pseudo-polynomial time and the 0-1 Knapsack problem, even though it is an important concept. There there is plenty of material on the internet. I suggest that you start with the Wikipedia entries on Pseudo-polynomial time and the Knapsack problem. You also might find these notes useful.

What should I know by the end of this lecture?

  • Yet more dynamic programming examples
  • How to decompose a problem using Dynamic Programming
  • Optimal substructure
  • The difference between polynomial and pseudo-polynomial time. Ask yourself why isn’t the dynamic program for 0-1 Knapsack polynomial time?

Lecture 6

Today’s topics: Greedy Algorithms

  • Introduction to Greedy Slides 1-15.
    • We will look a greedy algorithm for the coin-change problem. This only works with certain denomination coins. You should understand the proof of why it works, and when it works.
    • Interval scheduling. Again we met a dynamic programming solution before, here we will look at a simple greedy algorithm and understand why it is correct.
  • Shortest Paths as a greedy algorithm. Slides 1-16
  • All-Pairs Shortest path using Dynamic programming (The ‣ Bellman–Ford–Moore algorithm). Slides 33-41

Reading Guide

  • Chapter 16 except 16.4 and 16.5 of CLRS3 or Chapter 15, 15.1,15.2 and 15.3 of CLRS4.

What should I know by the end of this lecture?

  • How do I set up shortest paths as a dynamic program? How do I avoid cycles?
  • How does Dijkstra’s algorithm work? Why is it correct?
  • What is a greedy algorithm?
    • How do greedy algorithms compare with dynamic programming?
    • Are Greedy algorithms always optimal?

Lecture 7

Today’s topics: Minimal Spanning Trees.

Reading Guide

What should I know by the end of this lecture?

  • What is a minimal spanning tree?
  • Why is the greedy algorithm correct?
  • How does Prim’s Algorithm work?

Lectures 8,9

Network Flows

When I do these lectures live, it normally takes me 3 lectures to go through the material slowly and do lots of examples. This is a list of topics that are needed to under network flows. You goal should be to understand each topic.

  • Definition of flow network.
  • The minimum-cut problem.
  • The maximum flow problem.
  • The definition of a residual network.
  • An Augmented path.
  • The statement of the Min-cut, max-flow theorem.
  • The Ford–Fulkerson algorithm.
  • How to use the max-flow algorithm for maximum bipartite matching.

Lecture 8

Lecture 9

  • Alternative mathematical API. Flows that are Skew Symmetric flows, that is $f(u,v)= - f(v,u)$. We’ll do this on the blackboard, but skew symmetric flows are a bit counter intuitive, but they make the proofs and implementation easier. Take a look at the presentation at Wikipedia. This is not examined, and I won’t go into much detail.

  • Min-Cut Max-Flow duality slides 25-36 of NetworkFlow I

  • Choosing the wrong paths: Exponential worst case slides 37-41 of NetworkFlow I

  • Summary of complexity results 73-74 of NetworkFlow I

  • Bipartite matching slides 1-17 of NetworkFlow II.

Reading Guide

  • Chapter 26, except 26.4 and 26.5 of CLRS3 or Chapter 24 of CLRS4.

What should I know by the end of this set of lectures?

  • Do I understand the definitions of a flow network, min-cuts and maximum flows?
  • Why does the naive greedy algorithm for maximum flow fail?
  • The relation between augmented paths and residual networks.
  • What is the relationship between flows and cuts?
  • What is the relationship between negative flows and residual networks?
  • What does the min-cut max-flow algorithm tell us and how does it help us to derive an algorithm?
  • What is bipartite matching? What are its applications?

Lectures 10 and 11

Today’s topic: P vs NP

This will be a not so formal introduction to P and NP. Every computer scientist should know something about NP complete problems. If you know that a problem is NP complete, then you know that it is very hard to find an optimal solution.

  • The definition of P and NP
  • The definition of Reduction and NP Hardness
  • NP Completeness
  • Some NP Complete Problems.
  • What now? What courses should I take to learn more about algorithms and optimisation?

This material is examined.

These lectures will given by Pierre Flener.

The slides for the lecture can be found here

Reading Guide

What should I know by the end of this set of lecture?

  • The definition of NP? What has guessing a solution got to do with complexity?
  • How do reductions work?
  • What is a complete problem for a complexity class?
  • You should know some NP-complete problems and have enough idea about how reductions work so that you can decide if your problem is NP-complete or not.

Lecture 12

Today’s topic: Union Find

  • Disjoint-set data-type. What is the API and some applications?
  • Naive representation: Sets represented as trees.
  • Representing trees as arrays, and Naive linking.
  • Link by Size
  • Link by Rank
  • Path compression
  • Analysis of run time.


I used slides 1 to 41 from UnionFind.

Reading Guide

  • These notes contain useful information on greedy algorithms in general and section 5.1.4 is on Union Find. The best source is the textbook Chapter 21 (excluding section 21.4) of CLRS3 or Chapter 19 (excluding 19.4) of CLRS4.

Both William Fist and Josh Hug cover the same material, although Josh Hug takes it much more slowly.

What should I know by the end of this set of lecture?

  • What is the union-find API?

  • What are some of the applications of union-find?

  • How can I use trees to represent sets?

  • How do I represent sets of trees as a forest?

  • What are the different strategies for combining trees? Link by Size and Link by Rank.

  • What is path compression? How does this improve the complexity of union-find? Note that if you go deeply into the analysis of union-find you will come to amortised analysis. This is the analysis of the complexity of an algorithm over multiple-runs. Amortised analysis is not part of this course, but it is part of AD3 - 1DL481 that is normally taught by Pierre Flener

Lecture 13

Today’s topic: String Matching

  • The Rabin-Karp algorithm for fast string matching.


Reading Guide

  • Chapter 32 except sections 32.3 and 32.4 of CLRS3 or CLRS4.

What should I know by the end of this set of lecture?

  • How does Rabin-Karp work? What is the clever idea with hash-functions.
  • How does Rabin-Karp compare with brute force string matching?