Grades and Credits


The three assignments are worth 2 higher-education credits (ECTS credits). The assignment grade is as follows when $a_i$ is your final score (out of 10) on Assignment $i \in 1..3$, and $a = a_1 + a_2 + a_3$ is your total score. You must earn at least 3 points (of 10) on each assignment until the end of its grading session, including at least 1 point (of 5) on each problem.

5$a \in \\{25\ldots 30\\}$
4$a \in \\{20\ldots 24\\}$
3$a \in \\{15\ldots 19\\}$


The exam is worth 3 higher-education credits (ECTS credits). The exam is marked out of 20. The exam is constructed in such a way to have no marks that are fractions of a point. The following table gives your grade assignment. Let $e$ be your total exam score:

GradeTotal Score
5$e \in \\{17 \ldots 20\\}$
4$e \in \\{14\ldots 16\\}$
3$e \in \\{10\ldots 13\\}$
U$e \in \\{0\ldots 9\\}$

Note that previous instances of the course and versions of this web-page had the exam marked out of 30. At some point actual exam was re-scaled to have 20 questions, with each question being worth 1.5 points. To get to the original scale some rounding up or down (usually up and in the student favour) had to be done. This new version of the table is much simpler and gives the student the same marks as before.

Overall Grade

The overall grade is a weighted sum as follows when you have earned the assignment credits with total score $a=a_1+a_2+a_3$ (out of 30) and the exam credits with score $e$ (out of 20), following table gives the overall grade:

5$2\cdot a + 3\cdot 1.5 \cdot e \in \\{121\ldots 150\\}$
4$2\cdot a + 3\cdot 1.5 \cdot e \in \\{96\ldots 120\\}$
3$2\cdot a + 3\cdot 1.5 \cdot e \in \\{75\ldots 95\\}$

Note that you must pass both the assignments and the exam to get a final grade. If the resulting grade is lower than your exam grade, then the overall grade is the exam grade.

Note that the extra factor of $1.5$ for the exam grade is to calibrate a 20 point exam to a 30 point exam. Future version of this course web page will simply recalibrate the intervals, but I have left them this year (2020) in order not to confuse students.