Coding Convention


All assignments are to be written in Python 3. Your assignments will be partially tested by an automated system, and the exact version of Python that will be used will be specified on the assignments.

The learning of sufficient Python skills is within your time budget for this course, and this should not take more than a couple hours.

We highly recommend you learn or use LaTex for typesetting your assignment reports in a professional way, but this is optional. The learning of LaTeX is outside your time budget for this course, but very well-invested as you will find out during the course or later.


A program for insertion sort that is fully annotated according to the coding convention is given on page 3 of the AD2 demo report which also contains examples of all LaTeX2e commands you need for this course.

Coding Convention and Checklist before submitting

The first two pages of the AD2 demo report contain a checklist that you must follow before submitting and the coding convention that you must follow.